girl in class with her teacher

Learning Support

Learning Support – Year 1 and 2

All children in Year 1 and Year 2 are taught basic core skills via a structured multi-sensory programme. This teaching forms the core of our curriculum and every opportunity is taken to help children to develop their oral skills as well as their reading, writing, and maths.

Small children have a different learning style from over-7s and, for a variety of reasons, do not always progress as expected or follow a smooth curve of development. In the Key Stage 1 phase children are closely monitored and regularly assessed by the class teachers with most reaching the high standards expected at each stage. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are provided for those children with development and learning difficulties as necessary.

Children need time to assimilate and develop the skills they have been taught, so reinforcement and support is given in the classrooms. However,  if parents wish to support their children outside school with extra lessons, we are happy to cooperate with private tutors about our curriculum.

At Year 1 and Year 2 level, a member of staff qualified to teach children with specific learning difficulties provides support if required. Lessons are available for those children who will benefit from one-to-one or small group support in Numeracy and Literacy. Children who are recommended by class teachers for this specialised support are withdrawn from their classes when their peers are taking the same subject for example, phonics and handwriting.  Parents are advised and supported at all times, with lines of communication being kept open throughout the academic year or term, as applicable. For the majority of children, however, the most important work at home is regular daily reading with their parents and very few require extra tutoring.

We regard self-esteem to be of paramount importance in the learning process and children are encouraged to feel positive about themselves and their abilities.

The Head of Juniors works closely with teaching staff when more specific pastoral issues arise.

Learning Support – Year 3 upwards

The reasons for children requiring learning support for a brief or more extended period of time during their school life is wide-ranging and varied. The Learning Support Department aims to identify, support and monitor the individual learning needs and progress of pupils in order to enable them to achieve to their full potential.

To further assist pupils’ learning needs the Learning Support Department has three members of staff qualified to teach children with specific learning difficulties. Pupils receive one-to-one lessons once or twice a week as appropriate. No core lessons are missed and to ensure minimum impact upon other mainstream lessons, consideration is applied when selecting the lessons from which a child will be withdrawn.

Teaching Assistants are deployed to lessons across all year groups up to Year 4, to assist small numbers of pupils requiring additional support. During lessons, teachers also accommodate and support the individual learning needs of pupils.

When a pupil’s attainment or level of understanding gives cause for concern a Record of Concern Form is completed by the referring member of staff detailing learning challenges or difficulties the pupil is experiencing. This is forwarded to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo). On the basis of a conversation with the referring teacher a decision will be made as to next steps. An observation and assessment may be carried out within the Learning Support Department. The results of any assessments administered will inform the decision on the level and type of learning support to be provided. This could take the form of in-class teacher/TA support, a recommendation for one-to-one lessons in school, or a recommendation for further investigation and assessment by an external professional. In some cases, it will be appropriate to recommend more than one source of support. The SENCo will provide recommendations should a specialist assessment be considered appropriate.

Following an external report (for example, from a Specialist Assessor, an Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist or Speech and Language.

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© The Oratory Preparatory School 2025