Military Subsidies
We understand that Ministry of Defence (MOD) families are often faced with a sudden upheaval to family life and we take great pride in offering a very caring and nurturing home from home boarding experience.
MOD families who claim the Continuity of Education (CEA) allowance are required to pay only the minimum parental contribution of 10% of the basic fees of each child in the school, as stipulated under the CEA Regulations, plus all extras incurred as a result of the education of their child at our school. At The Oratory Prep School, Forces’ Families currently pay a termly fee of £1205 per child, in addition to the CEA, for a full boarding place. This includes VAT. All meals, laundry and most weekend and after school activities are included in the fees.
We also offer a 10% discount on day fees.
A current parent has kindly shared her feedback about her son’s experience at The Oratory Prep School.
“Our son started at The OPS as a transition from primary school into the boarding environment in preparation for senior school in Year 9. It was suggested to us that a prep school would be a safe environment for him to adjust to boarding; providing a more gentler introduction to those changes rather than straight into a senior school. It was such great advice! We have watched him develop and adapt with great ease whilst being surrounded by the most supportive and nurturing pastoral care. He has transformed into a responsible young man and his confidence has increased before our eyes. It is not just the academics, the incredible sporting facilities and the wonderful teaching staff but the core values of the OPS that underpin his progress. For us, it was exactly the right decision and we have no doubt that he will be more than ready for the transition to senior school when that arrives. He is so lucky to have had the benefit of the OPS family to start him on his journey.”
Please contact our Admissions Department for more information or to arrange a visit.