English As An Additional Language

European and International pupils join our school throughout the year as well as in September. We offer short term placements ranging from two to three weeks, a term, to a full year and beyond. Often, these pupils return for longer periods. The majority of pupils are educated at our school until they naturally leave at the end of year 8.

Children can arrive with a basic knowledge and understanding of English. They are assessed by our specialist EAL teacher and individual learning plans are created. As the pupils’ confidence and linguistic skills develop, they join mainstream lessons. Some pupils can access most of the timetable as soon as they arrive, whilst others need more EAL support and make the transition at a more gradual pace.

EAL lessons are taught by a specialist teacher in small class sizes where the focus is on developing reading, writing and speaking skills in a nurturing and caring environment.

The EAL teacher works closely with other staff who are all experienced at integrating EAL pupils into the academic and social life of the school. Even when a pupil is participating fully in the mainstream timetable, the EAL teacher continues to monitor progress and is on hand to give support, if needed.

Every EAL pupil has a form teacher who is also their pastoral tutor, and they are in regular contact with parents to ensure that their child thrives and is happy and secure.

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© The Oratory Preparatory School 2025

Open Morning

Join us for our upcoming Open Morning on Friday 7th March Find out why so many families choose to join The Oratory Prep School Community.


Open Morning March 2025