
Our aim is to develop pupils’ abilities to handle numbers so they are able to calculate and to reason logically using an approach that is enjoyable, relevant and meaningful.  We develop the ability to solve numerical problems in different contexts, both in the classroom and in daily life.

Mathematics offers frequent opportunities for creativity and can stimulate flashes of pleasure and wonder when a problem is solved for the first time, when connections suddenly become apparent or when a more elegant solution to a problem is discovered. We encourage pupils to think creatively, to take risks and to see that making mistakes is accepted, expected and essential to the learning process.  We emphasise the importance of rigour in solving numerical problems.

The department enables pupils to build a secure framework of mathematical reasoning, which they can use and apply with confidence. The children enjoy using a range of resources, including concrete manipulatives to consolidate their understanding of Maths skills.

In Years 5 to 8, Maths is taught by specialist teachers in well-resourced classrooms.  We base our learning on the White Rose Maths programme and 13+ ISEB syllabus.  We provide a sound grounding in the skills necessary to tackle exams, melded into a broader curriculum base.  Our classes are set in ability groups to enable differentiation and to allow each child to develop at a level and rate suited to their needs.  We participate in the Primary and Junior Maths Challenges, regularly sending students through to higher rounds.

The department has a solid track record at both Common Entrance and Scholarship level.

proud supporters of Military Families


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© The Oratory Preparatory School 2025