Design and Technology

Design and Technology is introduced as a timetable lesson from Year 6 onwards but many of the materials and tools used will have been introduced within the Art curriculum in earlier years. It is a very popular hands-on subject, appealing to pupils’ natural curiosity and inventiveness and enabling them to begin to understand the important link between design and functions. They are encouraged to think imaginatively, not in terms of right or wrong outcomes, but in terms of solutions which work.

Pupils in year 6 have timetabled Design and Technology lessons but many of the materials and tools used will have been introduced within the Art curriculum in earlier years.

They develop the confidence to become independent problem solvers through a range of design assignments, learning to analyse and evaluate existing products, develop their technical knowledge and understanding of materials and mechanisms, and explore, describe and refine their own design ideas.

The emphasis is on collaborating with their peers, developing an ability to communicate their ideas clearly and confidently in a range of formats, work cooperatively and compromise where necessary.

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