Child in playground

Mr Andrew De Silva

How can you say, “The sky’s the limit”, when there are footsteps on the moon?

Mr Andrew De Silva has been the Headmaster at The Oratory Prep School since September 2022 and the quote epitomises the learning journey that the children at the school venture on. Andrew’s educational vision is that all children have outstanding learning experiences and that their potential is limitless; importantly, this is key to the school’s ethos and philosophy, and is also key to the outstanding boarding provision at the school.

Prior to His appointment at The Oratory Prep School, Andrew was Head of the Junior School at St Edmund’s School in Canterbury. Andrew has a wealth of experience, honing his skills through Headships in both the state maintained and independent sectors, in addition to a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Management and the NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship) and honorary awards for his contributions to music.

Through his experiences, Andrew believes that every child has the ability to succeed and it is the job of schools, working closely with parents, to unlock this ability. He is as a specialist in Teaching and Learning, Curriculum Design and Assessment. However, Andrew very much classes himself as a ‘Head Learner’ rather than a ‘Head Teacher’.

In addition to his role at The Oratory Prep School, Andrew is also on the Strategy board for IAPs and is the chair of the IAPs EDI group (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion).

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© The Oratory Preparatory School 2025